Angina by Dr. Mark Schneider

Cardiac chest discomfort or shortness of breath also known as “Angina Pectoris’ results when the hearts own blood supply is insufficient. Angina Pectoris is often brought on by exertion or emotional stress but can occur at rest and with atypical symptoms. Angina pectoris is the most common symptom of coronary artery disease (CAD) or heart artery blockages. Nearly 10 million Americans experience angina annually, with 500,000 new cases occurring every year.

When Angina Pectoris occurs Cardiologists evaluate for CAD by utilizing EKGs, exercise or chemical stress testing, echocardiography, coronary  CT and calcium scores, and when appropriate heart catheterization.

General treatments involve modifying risk factors for CAD ie smoking cessation, managing blood pressure, diabetes, weight and cholesterol. In addition to risk factor modification medications are used to help prevent heart attacks and prevent the progression of CAD. Heart catheterization a minimally invasive procedure allows direct visualization of the heart arteries to guide medical management and when necessary place stents to open blocked vessels or refer patients for open heart surgery to correct severe disease.

Mark Schneider DO FACC FSCAI

Dr. Schneider is available for appointments in Cumming, Suwanee, Sandy Springs, and Decatur offices of Atlanta Heart Specialists.

Dr. Mark Schneider